Sunday, April 01, 2007

Sheridan Films...

It occurred to just recently that not everyone has seen the films that Sheridan produces. Here's a dump of several films that have been produced in the past few years.

Vera Brosgol and Jenn Kluska's "Snow Bo"

Dan Rodrigues and Jon Klassen's "An Eye for Annai"

Aiden Glynn's "A Boy and His Bear"

Aiden Glynn's "Stuck"

The first film in this Channel Frederator Episode, "The Ballad of Sheep 13", By Kyle McQueen:

Aaron White's "Grand Adventures of Rosenpig"

Sheridan Group film, "The Terrible Error of the Replacement Mayor"

Sheridan Group film, "Umbrella Boy"

Sheridan Group film, "Little Big"

Sheridan Group film, "A Present for the Eiffel Tower"

If I can find more I'll post 'em up.


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