Wednesday, December 21, 2005

One Man Band

I want to see this so bad!

Mark Andrews and Andrew Jimenez directing, with a Michael Giacchino score...

Yes, it's a short, but you can be sure it will be worthwhile.

I suppose it'll be playing alongside Cars?

The concept is as follows: "One Man Band, the latest short film from Pixar Animation Studios, tells the humorously captivating tale of a peasant girl who, with one coin to make a wish at a piazza fountain, encounters two competing street musicians who’d prefer the coin find its way into their tip jars. As the rivalry crescendos, the two overly eager performers vie to win the little girl's attention."

Here are some more images from it:


Check out a conversation with Eric Goldberg.

No Layouts :(

I never got my layouts back from Piotr - he was still marking them, apparently....

She Always Seems to Be At Artists 25...

Just a 25 minute drawing of Rosaline that I did at Artists 25. I generally like it.

I did this just two days ago...

I Never Get Him Quite Right...

A 10 minute drawing of David that I did at Sheridan.

Again, another oldie, but one of the better 10 minute drawings that I did (so I handed it in to Brian Hladin for my portfolio).

Good Ol' Ron

This is an oldie - I handed it in for my portfolio though.

A 10 minute drawing of Ron that I did at Sheridan.

Made a proportion error, but i like the overall feel of the drawing anyways.

An older 10 minute drawing of Ron.

I handed this in for my mid-term critique.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Do You Do Anything Else but Life Draw?

I promise to post my layouts from this year asap.

It's probably the work I'm most proud of (but I haven't gotten any of them back yet).

I have the line work of them, but I'd prefer to post the markered copies.

A History Lesson

Check this out. It's a 1 hour, 41 minute talk with Ed Catmull, Brad Bird, Alvy Ray Smity and Andrew Stanton about the history of Pixar, and the computer innovations required to allow creative people to use the computer to start making film. Pretty great stuff.

Also, if you weren't already aware, Glenn Vilppu posted up a whole bunch of his life drawing notes on Check it out here. Many of them are from his drawing manual and his sketching on location manual. He's also put together a few new books: Drawing the Head, Figure Drawing Step-By-Step, Drawing Drapery, and Hands and Feet.

That's A Lot Of Balls

I love cool commercials. Robin made me aware of this really awesome one for the Sony Bravia LCD TV line. (click here if the first one doesn't work or takes too long to download).

Also worth a look are the behind the scenes.


A 5 minute drawing done at sheridan.

Playing with pastels is fun..

Long = Fun

A 30 minute drawing done at Sheridan.

Me and Philip Rodrigues decided to draw for 12 hours straight one day. This is one of the better drawings to come out of that foray...

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