Sunday, August 26, 2012

Dr. Sketchy's!

A sketch.. people seem to like to look at these things for some reason.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Paranorman Artists @ Gallery Nucleus!

The awesome Gallery Nucleus in Alhambra was gracious enough to put together a panel of a bunch of the artists who worked on Paranorman today. It was a great group! Heidi Smith, Pete Oswald, Vera Brosgol, Chris Turnham, Deanna Marsigliese, Jeremy Spake and myself rounded out a pretty fun panel with lots to say about a huge range of topics. Thanks all to you who came out on a hot day.. the gallery was packed! Needless to say.. if you haven't already seen the movie, PLEASE go see it!

I personally wanted to tip my hat to the awesome model shop at Laika, some of whose work I was able to bring with me to show off. Keith McQueen, Ercilia Campos, Tim Arp, Daniel Miller, Paul Mack, Greg Boettcher, Tony Chen, Cammi Upton, Molly Light, Cody Bartol, Michael Possert, Matt Deleu, and Mari Tobita did incredible work on the film that is noticed in every shot! Ean McNamara and Ed Juan also helped out a great deal with graphics, as you can see above!

Also, last but not least, check out this making of video! Shows how much work goes into every detail in stop motion.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


So the film I've been working on for over two years and did literally thousands of drawings for is coming out this weekend. Go see it!

If you're in L.A this weekend as well, come see me and a bunch of artists talk about our experience on Paranorman at the Gallery Nucleus. Info here.

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Dr. Sketchy's PDX - Aerial Performers!

Note to self, need to get better at drawing people upside down, suspended in midair.

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