Tuesday, December 26, 2006


From my sketchbook.


abracadabra 10:51 AM  

jaime beaucoup ton trait il est très fluide et dynamique bravo ton avis sur mon travail serai le bienvenue bonne fête et a bientot sur mon blog et encore bravo

Andre Barnwell 4:58 PM  

very nice alan. Youre style is comin into its own ive been noticing. You have obvious influences and inspirations but their from future masters i believe. Robin joseph and Andrew Shek...imagine where there work will look like in another 20 years...Im gonna start saving from now cause i want to own one of their pieces.

Raoul Olou 3:22 PM  

Nice works :D

Marcos Mateu 3:25 PM  

Man, you do have a great line!

Tapan Gandhi 3:42 PM  

i LOVE the first one.. u should do some more poses for that one

LeMark 6:43 AM  

nice tiger sketches!!!!

Cookedart 10:35 PM  

Abracadabra - woah! Mon commentaire premierement en francais! Merci beaucoup! Je suis tres heureux que vous aimez mon travail. J'aime votre blog aussi! ... et... Merci pour visiter!

Mon francais est -si- horrible...

Andre - Thanks much Andre - you definetly hit on some of my inspirations, but definetly not all!

Haha, I don't even want to think about how those guys will be drawing in 20 years, let alone now!

Shaa - Thanks! Your blog's looking pretty nifty as well!

Marcos - I can't believe I hadn't linked you already! Well, you are certainly linked now. Definite fan of your work! Thanks for the visit and the compliment.

Tapan - Heh, I actually like the bottom, more feeble one better. Don't know why.

Hey Mark - glad you like em! Didn't know you had a blog!

Seo Kim 2:55 AM  

Refreshing colours and really nice design. Great that you are experimenting with styles!

Cookedart 11:25 PM  

Kristian - Thanks for visiting! You've got some really nice animation!

Seo - Thanks! I'm definetly having fun doing it too.

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