Friday, April 04, 2008

Wacom Cintiq 21 UX Rebate...

Hi All,

Just a quick post.

For those wanting to purchase a Wacom Cintiq but were on the fence due to pricing, Online retailer has a $500 rebate for the 21UX for the month of April only. Their list price is $2499 (Canadian), and shipping is only around 20 dollars, so that puts the Cintiq at just above $2300 with shipping - A great deal by any means. This deal is available in Canada and the U.S.

Swing by or check out the rebate form here (Warning: PDF link)


Anonymous 5:36 AM  

Thats cool but.. still so much money :( *Cries* I want a Cintiq

Jarrett 7:32 PM  

Mmm Cintiq:)

Ian Worrel 12:12 PM  

paper and pencil at staples.

Anonymous 7:31 AM  

"Their list price is $2499 (Canadian), and shipping is only around 20 dollars, so that puts the Cintiq at just above $2300 with shipping"

Should be less than $2,300. By my calculations a $500 rebate would bring the price down to $1,999 (USD) , plus the $20 shipping would equal =
$2,019 (US dollars) or $2,038 Canadian dollars.

Not cheap by any means, but still a nice price break if anyone was in the market for a 21" Cintiq at the moment.

Anonymous 10:32 PM  

I can buy this in HK for about 10% cheaper, yay!

Cookedart 12:40 AM  

David, you've clearly forgot about sales tax.

I've figured in Ontario sales tax into that figure.

Anonymous 9:41 AM  

"David, you've clearly forgot about sales tax. "

You're right . I didn't factor that in . I thought the price they had quoted on the website was all-inclusive , but the Sales Tax is going to raise it considerably depending on where you live and rate of taxation in your province or state.

Thanks for the correction.

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