Things around the net....
Seems like I haven't posted about animation news in a while...
There's some new news about what's going on at Pixar/Disney. Apparently Lee Unkrich is set to direct Toy Story 3, instead of John Lasseter. Lee co-directed Monster's Inc, Toy Story 2, and Finding Nemo, and will work alone on Toy Story 3. One additional note that this article reveals is that the script will be penned by Michael Arndt, the writer of Little Miss Sunshine.
Also notable is that Chris Williams is the purported replacement of Chris Sanders as Director of American Dog, set to be the next film released by Disney after Meet the Robinsons.
Reuters yet again confirms that 2D Animation will return at Disney, straight from the horse's (A.K.A. Ed Catmull's) mouth. Check out this article about Pixar story artist Valerie Lapointe.
This page has some new images from Shrek 3.
It looks like Bob Zemeckis and his team of "Performance capture" technicians have Joined forces with Disney, and are planning to form a new company to release motion-capture based films. This link reveals that the next film from Zemeckis using this technology will be entitled "Beowulf." Also, there is speculation that the "John Carter of Mars" series is being purchased by Disney for this new company, not for Pixar, as originally believed.
Also, check out the live action Geri's Game:
That's all for now!
Update your bloggamabobber hoggster!
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