Some quickies...
These are all between 30 seconds and 1 minutes.
What do you guys do when you're in a drawing rut? I've found myself in a little of a rut myself with life drawing and from time to time can get pretty frustrated when things aren't looking the way I think I can usually make them.
How do you guys deal with this, and how do you overcome it? I know it happens to even the best of us, so I figure some of you can answer this one!
I deal with it by returning to whatever length I'm good at (usually the gesture poses). If THOSE become crappy, I take the gesture and really exaggerate it or apply it to a character I've got going on. Sometimes it gets me weird looks from the models but fuck what they think.
That's what I do anyway. ^_^ In your case maybe you could turn the pose into a layout?
Also, the World-Changing Scallywags now have a blog up too. Our link is
I try to get myself back into drawing by taking up a different medium I haven't done in a while. Charcoal usually helps because it's so loose and easy to work with (in my opinion).
I also think that drawing while listening to music helps.
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