Sunday, February 12, 2006

Sylvain Chomet!

There's some hullabaloo around the net about what Sylvain Chomet's up to.

First off (via Cartoon Brew)

A Commercial by Sylvain Chomet for an insurance company.

Also, via Atomic Bear Press is info about the Illusionist, the story about

An aging magician who befriends a girl in scotland and can't bear
to tell her that his magic is not real

Lastly, there's the Imdb Page for Sylvain Chomet saying that he's working on two more features, by the names of Barbacoa:

As Prussian troops lay siege to Paris, a veterinarian at the city's Jardins des Plantes zoo fights to protect Barbacoa the monkey and other animals being eyed by hungry children.

And The Tale of Despereux described as:

Together, three very unlikely heroes -- a literary mouse, an awkward servant girl, and a conflicted rat -- cross paths with a princess.


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