Monday, February 20, 2006


That's not a word.

But these are four drawings from today.


Brandon James Scott 10:47 PM  

nice drawings, nice treatment of colour too

thanks for the comments on my blog

i tried to comment here earlier but there was always an error and it wouldn't let me

Reezo Rocks 12:13 PM  

nice life drawings man!

Cookedart 3:18 PM  

Thanks, both of you.

Yeah, heh, I'll make a post about that on my blog, Brandon.

Anonymous 9:05 PM  

yo Alan...dope life drawings...when you reach third year your going to be so stellar...keep it up...your starting to scare me...haha

Andre Barnwell 6:41 AM  

i agree wit juan paolo's statement. Keep it up Alan, you are advanced then most 2nd years in life drawing. But what I wanna see form you is more imagination. Change the face if u can , simple things that really make your stuff different rather than jus drawing wats right in front of you I think youve reached that level where u can do it with confidence. Keep grindin man.

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