Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The Art of Bee Movie
Hey guys,
Hopefully the powers that be won't mind me posting up this image as I hope it will make more people buy this book!
I just got a chance to finally look through The Art of Bee Movie by Jerry Beck. It's available for only 27 bucks on Amazon and is incredibly good. It's also available through the Labyrinth right now.
Not only is it good to see that Dreamworks has started releasing artbooks for their films (they haven't really released one like this since Prince of Egypt), but it also features the most Nicolas Marlet drawings that I've ever seen in print in one spine!
The book also features some great stuff from Carlos Grangel, Christophe Lautrette, Tony Siruno, Craig Kellman, the list goes on!
Posted by Cookedart at 1:47 PM 5 comments
Boards Beegees....
Some quick backgrounds for the boards, just to keep the blog fresh.
The story reels are coming up due real soon - exciting times!
Posted by Cookedart at 1:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: Storyboards, Unicycle_Joe
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Guess who?
Found this little gem on the Animated Buzz forums.
Posted by Cookedart at 10:35 AM 3 comments
Labels: Humour
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Your Friend the Rat....
Pixar's latest short has shown up on YouTube. Check it out here and at left before it gets taken away!
Posted by Cookedart at 8:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: Videos
I found this Livejournal post featuring some scans from the artbook for the anime film Tekkonkinkreet.
Posted by Cookedart at 10:43 AM 2 comments
Labels: News
News, news, news...
Been a while since I did a big news mash-up!
It's been a (surprisingly) busy sunday for animation news/commentary/stuff - I guess motion capture, the oscars, the WGA strike, and a few other things are fueling that fire though....
I've been rapid-fire posting to the "News on the Grapevine" section - and there are some articles there that I definitely think are worth the read. For those who use RSS, you can subscribe to that mini-feed here.Michael Sporn has posted the list that will be narrowed down to the shortlist for the best animated short film category in the oscars this year. There's 33 to narrow down to 10, and it's a pretty broad list. Some hilights include Peter and the Wolf, The Pearce Sisters, Sleeping Betty, I Met The Walrus, and Madame Tutli-Putli (to only name a few). Click through to the image for an awesome animated gif (courtesy of the NFB).
The New York Times has an interview with Ken Ralston and Jason Chen, two of the tech gurus behind Beowulf.
Also, Steve Hulett of the TAG Blog has a great post about motion capture that I think you should read.
If you want to read two extremely well thought out reviews of Beowulf, go no further than Mark Mayerson's blog, where he has posted a review and further critique. While I believe that the technical and artistic crew behind the film is no doubt commendable, I agree with Mark's sentiments towards the story and the film. The New York Times also has a interview with former-Disney head honcho Michael Eisner. Eisner goes on to talk about Bazooka Joe, the WGA Strike, and creating content for the internet. Also make sure to read Mr. Mayerson's thoughts on Bazooka Joe.
Apparently making content solely for the internet isn't a money-making business, says Eisner. Tell that to the folks at JibJab. Just because there isn't a clear precedent for a medium doesn't mean that it's not possible to make a profit in that medium (just look at what mo-cap is managing to do this weekend!)
Last but not least, I got the chance a few days ago to catch the first episode of The Dark Years by Steven Silver and John Halfpenny, and produced at Chuck Gammage Animation in Toronto. The Dark Years is an animated documentary about depression-era Canada, as told through the reportage of the Toronto Daily Star.
It's animated using a pretty unique-looking Flash technique, interspersed with stock footage, photographs, and interviews. It's an interesting mash-up and a very informative account of the times.
What's also cool about it is to see some familiar names in the credits - I won't mention them by name - but I think all the Sheridan guys and gals who worked on it (as well the hard-working people of Chuck Gammage Animation) did a great job!
The miniseries will air on the History Channel on December 26, 27 & 28. Make sure to check it out as you're digesting the Christmas Turkey (and avoiding the Boxing Day madness)
Posted by Cookedart at 9:13 AM 1 comments
Labels: News
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Lightning Doodle Project Comes to Sheridan...
Hey guys,
Don't know if you've heard the news, but the people behind the Lightning Doodle Project, Takeshi Nagata and Kazsue Monno, will be at Sheridan to demo their Lightning Doodle animation technique. For those who didn't go to Ottawa, or those that need a refresher, the films look like this:
Posted by Cookedart at 6:05 AM 1 comments
Friday, November 16, 2007
Some Pixar News...
The new Wall-E Poster, via [IGN].
Animated News has a post about the fact that Target in the States has a 2-disc Ratatouille DVD - one that features some pretty great content too, by the looks of it!
Check out their posts about this here and here.
Does anyone know if this DVD is available from a specific retailer in Canada (like it is in the states)? My biggest question, though, is why isn't this just the normal edition of the DVD?
Posted by Cookedart at 1:51 PM 4 comments
Labels: News
Thursday, November 15, 2007
I'm Sick!
I've caught a cold. Yessiree - for the second time this year too. Chalk it up to never going outside and a weakening immune system due to lack of exposure to natural light...
I just noticed as well that I'm over 150,000 hits (and 750 posts)! That's really swell guys (and gals) - thanks for coming back regularly and a special thanks for anyone who's linked me - linking makes the animation blogs go round - so if you've got a blog link up as many blogs as you can!
Posted by Cookedart at 7:36 PM 4 comments
Labels: Life Drawing
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Diana pointed me towards this one.
It's a music video for Disney's 'Enchanted' - the first minute or so is animated (by the fabulous guys over at James Baxter Animation). You can pretty much stop watching when the live action starts (unless you really like Carrie Underwood).
Check it out here, or at left.
Posted by Cookedart at 3:36 PM 4 comments
Labels: Videos
Friday, November 09, 2007
More hilights from the fair...
Posted by Cookedart at 8:31 PM 7 comments
Labels: Character Design, Life Drawing
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Royal Winter Fair...
The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair is held once a year in Toronto on the Canadian National Exhibition grounds... farm animals are brought in and auctioned off, compared, showcased, etc. And of course, the animators all go in a sketch away (those who have the time, anyways).
Anyways, here's a sketch I did of a bovine auction. The auctioneer was hilariously fast-paced, and the guys watching out for bids were even crazier - they're so into it! One guy was so into his job that he started screaming "Yeah!" in hopes of getting everyone else excited (pictured right), and he fell off the stage. Good times.
I recommend for any of you artists who go by the fair to check out an auction. Just to see the guys fall off the stage.
Posted by Cookedart at 7:39 PM 4 comments
Labels: Character Design, Life Drawing
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Without giving too much away....
Posted by Cookedart at 9:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: Storyboards, Unicycle_Joe
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Animation Backgrounds...
Want more layout inspiration?
Check out the blog dedicated to the background art of animation, Animation Backgrounds.
Posted by Cookedart at 4:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Plugs
Monday, November 05, 2007
4 P.M.
A short made at Calarts by Pixar animator Mark Oftedal.
Posted by Cookedart at 7:35 PM 3 comments
Labels: Short Films, Videos
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Tir Nan Og
A very well executed short made at Ecole Emile Cohl in France by Fursy Teyssier.
Reminds me of Father and Daughter a little.
Check it out at left or here.
Posted by Cookedart at 9:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Short Films, Videos
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Kung Fu Panda
New Kung Fu Panda trailer out now.
Posted by Cookedart at 9:38 PM 2 comments
Labels: News
Friday, November 02, 2007
Animation Treasures
I think a lot of you know about this already, but if you don't...
Check out Hans Bacher's Animation Treasures.
Hans has three blogs full of beautiful artwork from animation's past. The most interesting images (to me) are reconstructed pan paintings from various animated films. Here are some hilights:
This is a great resource when you're looking for inspiration for background styling, color theory, and painting techniques. Make sure to check out:
Animation Treasures 1
Animation Treasures 2
Animation Treasures 3
Look through the entire archives - and make sure to thank Mr. Bacher while you're at it.
Posted by Cookedart at 11:28 PM 2 comments
Labels: News